REMINDER CALLS:2018 March 13 / foxiad / Uncategorized

Reminders are the most effective way to reduce your debts that were caused by customers’ unthoughtfulness, departure, financial difficulties or unwillingness to pay. We guarantee a high quality, polite and legally compliant communication, representing your company in accordance with a pre-set standards. Our team listens to the other party and responds to each debtor individually […]

DEBT COLLECTION: / foxiad / Uncategorized

We recover debts by using pre-legal and legal measures, we do it quickly and by following the professional ethics. We adapt to the client’s specifics: we perform debt analysis and provide a prognosis defining collection time and amounts to be recovered. Debt collection requires legal grounding and knowledge of debtor’s psychology, therefore, our ultimate goal, […]

DEBT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT: / foxiad / Uncategorized

We will manage your purchase of debt portfolio properly and consistently: we start from performing an analysis, then prepare a concrete plan defining the period and the amounts to be collected, and choose adequate measures to achieve the goals. If you do not have selected a debt portfolio yet, but you want to make an […]